Category: Vocabulary

Difference between childish and childlike

The words childish and childlike are often confused. Childish refers to the unattractive traits of children. Examples are temper tantrums and lack of seriousness. If your behaviour is childish, you are very immature. Her...

60 One Word Substitutes

1. Ascetic: An ascetic is a person not interested in the pleasures of the world. 2. Theologian: A theologian studies religions. 3. Atheist: An atheist does not believe in God. 4. Iconoclast: An iconoclast...

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Dismal (adjective) Dismal means dejected, cheerless, gloomy, despondent, awful, terrible etc. The show was dismal and a waste of time. She works in a dismal little room in the attic. Crestfallen (adjective) Crestfallen means...

Command | A word a day

To command is to order, instruct, direct or require. The king commanded his guards to execute anyone who dared to enter his chamber. Note the word pattern: command + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive The father...

Bereaved and bereft

The words bereaved and bereft are used in entirely different ways. Bereaved refers to bereavement (losing someone you love to death). Bereft refers to other kinds of loss or dispossession. Note that both bereaved and...

A half, half a or half an

The expressions a half, half a and half an are all completely acceptable. Could I have half a pound of oranges? / Could I have a half pound of oranges? Joe has half an apple....

Hang, hung and hanged

The word hang has two basic meanings. We can hang a picture or another object. It is also possible to hang a man. The past tenses are different for the two meanings. Pictures or drapes...

Confident and confidant

These words are often confused.  A confidant is a trusty companion, or intimate friend. You can confide your personal thoughts and feelings to your confidant. The feminine gender of this word is confidante. You...