LDC Mock English Test | PSC 2020 English Preparation

Here is a mock English test for students preparing for LDC exam conducted by PSC.

1. The pistol ……………………. suddenly.

a) went out; b) went off; c) went up; d) went out

2. Mother will get angry if I …………………… again.

a) fail; b) failed; c) had failed; d) have failed

3. Which of the following is of feminine gender?

a) mare; b) bull; c) colt; d) buck

4. She doesn’t have a job, ……………………..?

a) does she; b) did she; c) have she; d) do she

5. We ……………………. our roof repaired before the rains.

a) have; b) had; c) has; d) had had

6. A lion is a wild animal. Change into plural.

a) Lions are a wild animal
b) A lions are wild animals.
c) Lions are wild animals.
d) Lions is wild animals

7. They found him riding northwards. Change into passive

a) He is found riding northwards.
b) They are found him riding northwards.
c) He was found riding northwards.
d) He had found riding northwards.

8. The idiom ‘flutter the dovecots’ mean

a) startle; b) distress; c) help; d) organize

9. I wish I ………………….. taller.

a) am; b) was; c) were; d) had been

10. Do not judge a book by ……………………. Complete the saying.

a) its author; b) its price; c) its cover; d) its size

11. He said to me, ‘Where are you going?’

a) He asked me where was I going.
b) He asked me where I was going.
c) He asked me where I am going.
d) He asked me where you are going.

12. Bulls: bellow; Bears: ……………………

a) hiss; b) growl; c) grunt; d) gibber

13. He is …………………… honest man, so you can trust him.

a) a; b) an; c) the; d) No article

14. He is still ……………………. suspicion.

a) in; b) on; c) under; d) within

15. He …………………….. me on my looks.

a) complimented; b) complemented; c) completed; d) complymented

16. A person who never drinks alcohol

a) teetotaller; b) ascetic; c) dipsomaniac; d) pisshead

17. The thieves ………………………. before the cops arrived.

a) escaped; b) have escaped; c) had escaped; d) escape

18. …………………….. they are poor, they are honest.

a) though; b) as; c) because; d) as if

19. It is as easy to smile as it is to ……………………..

a) cry; b) frown; c) laugh; d) weep

20. Which part has an error in it?

a) I didn’t see
b) nothing
c) outside
d) No error


1. The pistol went off suddenly. (When a pistol goes off it fires.)

2. Mother will get angry if I fail again.

3. Which of the following is of feminine gender? mare

4. She doesn’t have a job, does she?

5. We had our roof repaired before the rains.

6. Lions are wild animals.

7. He was found riding northwards.

8. startle

9. I wish I were taller.

10. Do not judge a book by its cover. Complete the saying.

11. He asked me where I was going.

12. Bulls: bellow; Bears: growl

13. He is an honest man, so you can trust him. (The ‘h’ in honest is silent.)

14. He is still under suspicion.

15. He complimented me on my looks.

16. A person who never drinks alcohol – teetotaller

17. The thieves had escaped before the cops arrived.

18. Though they are poor, they are honest.

19. It is as easy to smile as it is to frown.

20. (b) The sentence should be I didn’t see anything outside.


Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. You may also want to check out my other blogs IELTS Practice and NCERT Guides

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