General Grammar Exercise for Class 10

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate phrase or clause. This grammar exercise tests your understanding of basic grammar rules.

1. The higher you climb, ---------------------

a) the cold it gets b) the colder it gets c) the colder it get d) the cold it get

2. The more she reads, ---------------------

a) the lesser she understands b) the less she understands c) the less she understand d) the lesser she understand

3. ------------------------, the wiser we become.

a) The old we grow b) The oldest we grow c) The older we grow d) The elder we grow

4. The government should do something for -----------------------

a) unemployed b) the unemployed c) unemployeds

5. The faster you act, the ----------------------

a) the best it is b) the better is it c) the better it is d) the better is

6. We saw him ------------------------

a) broke open the door b) break open the door c) breaking open the door

7. The poor exile was --------------------- his native land again.

a) never to saw b) never to see c) to never saw

8. The strike ------------------------, if the workers' demands had been granted.

a) would call off b) would have called off c) would have been called off d) would call of

9. If you work out every day, you -------------------- strong and healthy.

a) will become b) would become c) would have become d) had become

10. If you had listened to the instructions, you ---------------------------- so many mistakes.

a) would not make b) would not have made c) will not make d) had not made


1. The higher you climb, the colder it gets.

2. The more she reads, the less she understands.

3. The older we grow, the wiser we become.

4. The government should do something for the unemployed. (The expression 'the unemployed' means 'all unemployed people'.)

5. The faster you act, the better it is.

6. We saw him break open the door / breaking open the door.

7. The poor exile was never to see his native land again.

8. The strike would have been called off, if the workers' demands had been granted.

9. If you work out every day, you will become strong and healthy.

10. If you had listened to the instructions, you would not have made so many mistakes.

Sections in this article

The simple present tense
The present progressive tense
The present perfect tense
The present perfect progressive tense
Present tenses to talk about the future
The simple past tense
The past progressive tense
The past perfect tense
The past perfect progressive tense
Past verb forms with present or future meaning
The simple future tense
The future progressive tense
The future perfect tense

See Also

Exclamations exercise
Exclamations: common errors
Common mistakes with pronouns - Part 2
Common errors with adjectives - part 1
Common errors with adjectives - part 2

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