Cases where articles should not be used

With uncountable nouns

Articles are not used with uncountable nouns when we make general statements.

With the names of countries

We do not use articles with the names of countries.

But we use 'the' if the name of the country or organization specifically states that it is a collection of states. (For example, The United States, The United Arab Emirates, The United Nations etc.)

With the names of languages

We do not use articles with the names of languages.

With the names of meals

We do not use articles with the names of meals.

With proper nouns

We do not use articles with proper nouns (the names of people, places etc.)

But we use 'the' with plural names.

With titles and names

We do not use articles with titles and names.

But we say, the queen of England, the President of USA

With years

We do not use articles before years.

With possessives and demonstratives

We do not use articles before possessives (my, your, their etc.) and demonstratives (this, that, these, those).

With days

Articles are not used to talk about the coming or last day/month.

But we use articles with the names of days of the week and months if we are talking about particular days or months.

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See also

Common mistakes in the use of nouns
Common mistakes in the use of nouns | Exercise 1
Common mistakes in the use of nouns | Exercise 2
Common mistakes in the use of nouns | Exercise 3

More CBSE English Grammar worksheets

Passive voice worksheet | Simple past tense
Passive voice worksheet | Past continuous tense
Passive voice worksheet | Simple future tense
Passive voice worksheet | Future perfect tense


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