Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Burst and hurt

The word burst has only one form – burst. It does not have forms like bursted or bursten. The balloon burst. (Here burst is used in the past tense.) She burst into tears. (Here...

The fact that

A fact is a reality, actuality, truth, certainty and verity. Fact is a useful word. However, as far as possible avoid the expression ‘the fact that’. It sounds rather sloppy. Do not say or...

Make meaningful sentences

 Arrange the words in the correct order to form meaningful sentences. 1. with not headmistress children was the a favourite the. 2. the woman was the her sufferings to of people rich around indifferent....

Finite and non-finite verbs worksheet

Identify the finite and non-finite verbs in the following sentences. Before doing this exercise watch our Youtube video about finite and non-finite verbs here.  You can find a Malayalam version of this video here....

Finite and non-finite verbs

These lessons are based on Macmillan English Ferry Class 8 Textbook and Workbook. Finite verbs are verbs that have different forms in different tenses. Finite verbs change their form when there is a change...

Subject – verb agreement worksheet

These lessons and worksheets are based on Macmillan English Ferry Textbook and workbook for Class 8 students. Watch this video to learn the correct use of subject-verb agreement with easy explanations. Fill in the...

Basic rules of subject-verb agreement

In every sentence, the verb has to agree with the subject. If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb too should be plural. Watch...