Advice Letter Sample
You should be able to trust the person you ask for personal advice. You must also be certain that they will honour your need for confidentiality.
Here are some advice letter samples that you can use as an outline for writing your own letters asking for personal advice.
Advice letter sample 1

Hi Ravi
I know you are not particularly fond of giving advice, but I need your experience on my side. I just received a new job offer. The position offers excellent opportunity for career growth so I don't want to pass it up. However, when I discussed this job offer with my boss, he was unwilling to let me go. He even said that he would offer me a raise. Now I don't know if I should accept the new job offer or stay with my current employer. What do you think? What would you do if you were in my situation? I trust your judgement more than my own.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Advice letter sample 2
Hi Maya
You are the only person I feel I can consult on this. Things are not exactly going well between Ashwin and me. In fact, I have got this feeling that we might soon break up. He is very insecure and needs my constant attention. This has started bothering me. I don't think I want to live with an overly possessive guy like him. What do you think I should do? I have discussed this with him, but that doesn't seem to have helped.
I'd prefer to speak to you directly about this rather than go into detail in a letter. If you aren't busy, could we have a chat sometime next week?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for your time.
Sample 3
Hello Aditi
Since you have known me since I was a child, I thought you would be able to advise me on a personal matter like this. I am also quite sure that you will honour my request for confidentiality.
What would you do if you have to choose between marriage and career? My parents want me to get married at the earliest. They have even found a guy for me, but I would like to wait for at least another year or two before I settle down. I'm doing quite well in my career at the moment and don't want to put it on hold. Please let me know your thoughts on this matter.
Hoping to hear from you soon
Sections in this article
Letters to Editor - sample 1Letters to Editor - sample 2
Letters to Editor - sample 3
Formal letter writing
IntroductionAddress and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
Sections in this article
Exclamations exercise
Exclamations: common errors
Common mistakes with pronouns - Part 2
Common errors with adjectives - part 1
Common errors with adjectives - part 2