Employee dismissal letter sample
Writing a dismissal letter is not a pleasant experience. This can be particularly difficult for an employer who has known his/her employees for years. However, business is business and sometimes removing an employee from your payroll is essential to protect your business interests.
While writing a dismissal letter, pay careful attention to your choice of words. Maintain a cordial letter throughout the letter and avoid name calling. Clearly state the circumstances that led to dismissal of the employee. Before closing the letter do not forget to wish them all the best.
Here is a sample dismissal letter that you can use as an outline for drafting your own dismissal letters.
Employee dismissal letter sample

Name of the recipient
Street address
City, State, Zip code
2 August 2013
Dear Recipient Name:
As you know, effective teamwork is essential for success in the software industry. Although we have no doubts regarding your skills as a programmer and developer, we have received countless complaints about your inability to work as part of a team. Though we had several discussions with you and your teammates in the last few months, we saw no improvement in your attitude or actions. Consequently, we have taken the decision to release you from your employment.
You are quite talented and may find some other type of employment more suitable. We wish you all the best.
Yours sincerely
Your name
Sections in this article
What is an email
Subject line
Formats, grammar and spelling
Addresses and personal names
Courtesy and politeness
Privacy concerns
Letter writing: formal and informal
Address and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
Formal letter sample 3
Formal letter sample 4
Formal letter writing basics
Standard phrases used in formal letters
Example of informal letter and envelope
Informal Letter Sample 2
Informal Letter Sample 3
Informal Letter Sample 4