Employment letter with salary requirements | Formal letter samples
Here is a sample employment letter that you can use as an outline for drafting your own employment letters. In this letter the candidate clearly mentions his salary requirements.
Employment letter sample

Your Street Address
City, Postal code
Email: Phone:
Name of the recipient
Name of the company
Street Address
City, Postal Code
March 4, 2012
Dear (Recipient name):
I was glad to receive your letter regarding my recent application for the position of a mechanical engineer. In response to your request for my salary history and expectations, I would like to offer the following information. Throughout my 5 years as a mechanical engineer, I have regularly been rewarded with merit- based raises, bonuses, and other benefits.
My salary for the new position is negotiable and depends upon the job responsibilities and the complete compensation package. However, I would like to make it clear that the lowest monthly salary I can accept is $4,000.
If you have additional questions regarding my salary expectations, please call me at my number.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Handwritten signature
Your Name
Sections in this article
What is an email
Subject line
Formats, grammar and spelling
Addresses and personal names
Courtesy and politeness
Privacy concerns
Letter writing: formal and informal
Address and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
Formal letter sample 3
Formal letter sample 4
Formal letter writing basics
Standard phrases used in formal letters
Example of informal letter and envelope
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