Ending a business relationship | sample letter
A letter terminating a business relationship must clearly inform the reader of your decision. If it is possible, start the letter with a positive remark and then proceed to explain the reasons that have forced you to terminate the business contract.
Use polite language and keep the letter short.
Ending a business relationship - sample letter

Your Street Address
City, Postal code
Email: Phone:
Name of the recipient
Name of the company
Street Address
City, Postal Code
March 4, 2012
Dear (Recipient name):
There has been a sharp increase in the price of the raw materials we purchase from your company during is past year. Since we have not increased the price of your products, this has started digging into our profits. Needless to say, we are forced to look or another supplier. We are already in talks with few firms and some of them have expressed their interest in filling our needs at a lower price. Therefore, we are terminating our current contract with you with immediate effect.
As you know, we operate in the highly competitive smartphone market and need to keep costs as low as possible. We will always appreciate the cordial relationship we have shared with your company.
We wish you continued success.
Yours sincerely
Your name
Handwritten signature
Sections in this article
What is an email
Subject line
Formats, grammar and spelling
Addresses and personal names
Courtesy and politeness
Privacy concerns
Letter writing: formal and informal
Address and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
Formal letter sample 3
Formal letter sample 4
Formal letter writing basics
Standard phrases used in formal letters
Example of informal letter and envelope
Informal Letter Sample 2
Informal Letter Sample 3
Informal Letter Sample 4