Sample Interview Thank You Letter
Only about 10% of the candidates who have been interviewed for a job opening take the time and trouble to send a thank you letter to the person who interviewed them. Sending a thank you letter isn't necessary, but it will help you stand out from the rest who are vying for the same position.
Here is a sample interview thank you letter. Note that it is formatted to be sent via email.
Interview thank you letter sample

Dear Sir or Madam
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the position of General Manager at ABC Corporation. After talking to you, I am further convinced that I have got the kind of skills that you need.
I am certain that in addition to my academic qualifications and work experience I will be able to bring excellent work habits and judgment to this position. What's more, I will be able to carry out my responsibilities with minimal supervision.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding your hiring decision. Again, thank you for your time.
Your name
Sections in this article
How to write an inquiry letter?Inquiry letter sample 1
Inquiry letter sample 2
How to write a cover letter
How important are cover letters?
Cover letter writing and formatting tips
Are cover letters necessary?
Cover letter sample 1
Cover letter sample 2
Resume writing
Formal letter writing
IntroductionAddress and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
Sections in this article
Exclamations exercise
Exclamations: common errors
Common mistakes with pronouns - Part 2
Common errors with adjectives - part 1
Common errors with adjectives - part 2