Leave Letter Sample
All of us will have to write at least one leave letter in our lifetime. It is a kind of formal letter that parents write to school principals to inform them about their children's inability to attend class. It has the same format as a typical formal letter. Here is a sample leave letter that you can use as an outline for drafting your own leave letters.
Leave letter sample 1

Dear Recipient Name:
I am writing to inform you that my daughter Aditi will be absent from school from November 14 to 16. She will be attending the wedding of her uncle with the rest of our family.
I don't want this absence from school to affect her academic performance and hence I will make sure that she completes her class work while she is away. Please let me know if there are any assignments that she should complete before she leaves.
By the way, do you think you can email me her assignments for the days she will be absent? That would be really helpful. My email address is email@email.com.
Thank you for your understanding.
Avinash Gupta
Sections in this article
Leave letter sample 1Leave letter sample 2
Leave of absence letter sample 3
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Appointment letter sample
Appointment letter sample 2 (Reschedule an appointment)
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Inquiry letter sample 2
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Inquiry letter sample 2
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Cover letter sample 2
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Formal letter writing
IntroductionAddress and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Example of formal letter and envelope
Formal Letter Sample 2
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